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Carla Raffi - Multiple - Women

Carla Raffi : grossiste en vêtements et accessoires pour femme a été créé en 1997 par deux frères passionnés de mode féminine

Nous sommes le grossiste de prêt-à-porter féminin à Lyon qui vous propose toutes les marques à forte notoriété du sentier parisien. Nous recevons de nouveaux vêtements et accessoires pour femmes chaque semaine chez Carla Raffi ayant pour provenances : l’Italie, la France et l’import.

Sur une surface de 600 m2, notre équipe reçoit avec ou sans rendez-vous des clients pour voir ou acheter sur stock : jupes, pantalons, tops et autres robes issues de nos collections de prêt-à-porter féminin et d’accessoires de mode italiens et français.

Carla Raffi c’est 20 ans d’expérience en tant que grossiste en vêtements et accessoires pour femmes. Nous vous proposons des collections de prêt-à-porter de moyenne gamme actuelles et tendances.

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55 rue Molière 69006
LYON France
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 17:00
Français, English
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Information about the brand and its products

From Outerwear to Accessories, the Carla Raffi collection offers a complete and sophisticated wardrobe to appeal to the Women looking for refined and authentic clothing.

Rely on the expertise and know-how of Carla Raffi to enhance your wardrobe with timeless, trendy pieces.

Discover this exceptional brand in our directory!


What does this wholesaler offer?

Carla Raffi offers Outerwear,Bags,Shoes,Watches,Accessories for Women. Discover this clothing wholesaler now!

Is this wholesaler present on MicroStore?

Yes! To find out if a wholesaler is present on MicroStore, simply check if it has the My Fashion Wholesaler badge.

Where is this wholesaler located?

This clothing wholesaler is located in 55 rue Molière 69006 LYON France.

What is their availability?

This clothing wholesaler welcomes you as follows: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00.

How to acquire the "PREMIUM" badge?
This option is automatically assigned to you if you use the online store application MicroStore. For more information, please visit our partner's website HERE.
What are its advantages?
This option provides you with the opportunity to add a personalized cover banner, preview your items for sale, and a presentation video. The preview of your items is directly imported from your MicroStore online shop. Additionally, in your technical sheet on My Fashion Wholesaler, you will have the privilege of adding direct contact buttons. Your visibility will be increased through the directory and retailers will have the opportunity to contact you directly.

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