Discover the two options we have to access our directory of wholesalers.

Don’t limit your possibilities, discover everything our directory has to offer at a low price!

Access all wholesaler product sheets, and be the first to discover our new qualified wholesalers!

We believe that the success of your business depends on the quality of your suppliers.
On My Fashion Wholesaler, find the ideal wholesaler for your brand.

Standard plan




Advanced plan




F.A.Q :

Our directory is simple and easy to use. Retailers can create a profile. Wholesalers can also create a profile, add their products and be contacted directly.

We work with qualified wholesalers belonging to our MicroStore network.

Once you’ve found a wholesaler that matches your requirements, you can contact them directly using their contact details. But each of you has a MicroStore, so you can communicate via our solution, access the entire product catalog and place orders.

On My Fashion Wholesaler, wholesalers offer a wide range of fashion products, including clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, bags and more. You can search for products using criteria such as product type, country, brand, target audience…

With restricted access, you’ll have access to only part of the wholesalers’ product sheets, which may limit your choice and the quality of your selection. On the other hand, by choosing access to the complete files of all wholesalers, you’ll have a complete and detailed view of each wholesaler file, enabling you to make more informed decisions for your business.

With a premium account on My Fashion Wholesaler, access all wholesalers’ product sheets, benefit from monthly recommendations from our best qualified wholesalers, enjoy one month’s early access to new wholesalers’ sheets and consultation of customer reviews. This higher level of access will make it easier for you to find the right supplier for your business.

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