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HISTORY OF PASSION The fabulous meeting and collaboration of two Parisians passionate about sneakers, having worn out their soles on the sidewalks of the French capital led to a simple observation: that of the "disappearance" of the standard sneaker! This decline sounded like a call that absolutely had to be answered before the disappearance of a "species that has become rare". "Version Original 2007" born from the combined passion of our two sneaker addicts and their desire to resurrect a classic sneaker style.
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VAT: FR07899190839
19 rue des sausset 93290
Tremblay-en-France France
09:30 - 18:00
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How to acquire the "PREMIUM" badge?
This option is automatically assigned to you if you use the online store application MicroStore. For more information, please visit our partner's website HERE.
What are its advantages?
This option provides you with the opportunity to add a personalized cover banner, preview your items for sale, and a presentation video. The preview of your items is directly imported from your MicroStore online shop. Additionally, in your technical sheet on My Fashion Wholesaler, you will have the privilege of adding direct contact buttons. Your visibility will be increased through the directory and retailers will have the opportunity to contact you directly.
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